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New Zealand Radiata Pine: a bright & sustainable future


New Zealand radiata pine’s versatility, secure supply, and high aesthetic value make it a desirable product on the global market.


Through pine research and development, professional forest management, and world-leading harvesting and processing practices, New Zealand radiata pine is a trustworthy, desirable choice for wood furniture makers and architects looking for sustainably crafted products.  


Its popularity is why forestry product exports from New Zealand for 2019 totalled $6.9billion, with the Chinese market accounting for over 48% of New Zealand’s total forestry exports.


New Zealand radiata pine: sustainable and secure


With warm days, cool nights, fertile soil, and evenly distributed rainfall, New Zealand’s conditions are ideal for fast-growing trees that produce high-quality timber. And because New Zealand radiata pine matures at a rate of 30 years in continuous rotation, it provides increasing volume for the future which means we have confidence in the long-term security of supply.


New Zealand’s forestry industry is rooted in sustainably managed exotic plantation forests that cover 1.66 million hectares, of which New Zealand radiata pine makes up 90%. The total standing volume of forests is estimated to be 501 million cubic metres (as at December 2020). Intensively managed New Zealand radiata pine forests now form the backbone of New Zealand’s forestry industry.

新西兰的林业产业植根于169万公顷可持续管理的外来树种人工林,其中辐射松占90%。截至2020年12New Zealand is one of just a few countries that has not only a sustainable supply of timber but also an increase in its total timber production. Forecasts indicate that radiata pine availability from the New Zealand forest estate will increase over the next 10 years, rising to levels of up to 35 million m3 per year from the mid-2020s. 


And domestic production is ramping up. As of September 2019, sawn timber production totalled 4.4 million cubic metres, panel production 1.8 million cubic metres, and 1.4 million tonnes of air-dry wood pulp. 


With growth in the volume of wood and production increasing, New Zealand radiata pine importers can trust in a consistent supply of sustainable timber. The majority of New Zealand’s plantations are third party certified through the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification).  These are international, non-governmental organisations dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests.

随着采伐量和加工量的增长,在中国的新西兰辐射松进口商们对其供应的稳定性可以有足够的信心。同时,新西兰的大多数人工林是得到了第三方认证的,包括森林管理委员会(FSC)或森林认证体系认可计划(PEFC) -- 这些都是致力于促进世界森林负责任管理的国际性非政府组织。

In addition to non-government bodies, New Zealand’s plantation forests are governed by a regulatory framework that places several requirements on forest growers. These include the employment, social, cultural and environmental impacts of their work


For example, New Zealand’s 2018 National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) provides further environmental protection that covers activities including pruning, earthworks river crossings, harvesting, land preparation, and replanting. It’s a level of environmental responsibility that doesn’t exist in other countries.


Research and development dedicated to sustainability


Extensive research into growth characteristics, forest health, forest management, harvesting techniques, wood performance, and new products keeps New Zealand radiata pine at the forefront of the global timber export market. 


A major programme of genetic improvement and advanced forest management techniques produces wood with a superior yield and desirable characteristics, including pruning for clear wood. As radiata pine grows all year round in New Zealand, the wood density growth ring is more consistent than in other woods.


Another main focus is on building thriving environments for sustainable forestry. Healthy soils are just one example. With forest health and productivity reliant on soil structure, topsoil depth, rooting depth, hard pans, texture, water-holding capacity, and nutrient supply, New Zealand soil scientists are constantly learning more about the relationship between soil health and forest productivity.


The results of all this research and development are worth it. In a well-managed plantation, New Zealand pine will grow up to eight times faster than managed natural forests. In 30 years, one hectare can produce as much quality wood as 10 hectares of tropical forest in South-East Asia, or 40 hectares of Amazon forest.


New Zealand is your trusted trade partner


New Zealand is committed to strong principles of an open, rules-based international trading systems. The New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement lowered some of the barriers to trade in wood products, and the recent upgrade means that, once fully implemented, 99% of wood and paper products to China will receive tariff-free access. 


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